Premiere: Meet & Greet & Chat, Sunday September 19th

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    • Premiere: Meet & Greet & Chat, Sunday September 19th

      Hey folks,

      this time it’s not the usual live chat you are used to. This time we proudly present the premiere of
      the Official Open Air Chat Event “Meet & Greet & Chat”.

      Beside the usual virtual meeting people in the area of Vienna (Austria) have the chance to meet me live!
      So take your notebook and participate not only online, but for real!

      September 19th 2004, 9pm (GMD +1 / noon in CA)

      Where #1 – participate online
      Just click on "CHAT", choose a nickname and you are all set...
      NOTE: PopUp-Blockers have to be deactivated!!!

      Where #2 – be part of the “meet & greet & chat”
      Museumsquartier – Hof 1/Q Spot [Map]
      Free Wireless Lan - Power supplied by Monochrom

      Where #3 – Alternative location in case of a rainy day
      Monochrom Hauptquartier, Electric Avenue, Quartier21

      [German Version]
      thx to Fierce for the support!

      Cu there!

    • so ein verdammter mist! ;( ;(

      ich bin eben gerade heimgekkommen und wollte noch gemütlich mit euch chatten, jedoch irgendwie spinnt mein computer und will mich einfach nicht in den chat lassen!

      ich habe keine ahnung woran es liegen könnte und bin einfach zu müde um jetzt herumzusuchen, deshalb wünsche ich euch noch viel spaß und hoffe das ich das nächste mal wieder dabei sein kann!
    • a little wrap-up of yesterday´s proceedings, from my POV:

      it´s a crying shame we could not do the meet&greet-part of it, but it was completely out of our hands.
      we were so well prepared for the event (we had a few drinks, a camera, candles for the right mood, laptops, etc...) - and then it turned out that our notebooks kept bluescreening when we tried to enter the chat.
      and we had 2 different laptops with 2 different sets of WLAN-equipment, hell - we even had two different OS´s installed!

      so we figured out that the only thing we could do was get back to renee´s place and continue the chat there.

      and here goes the CREDITS-list:
      -) the biggest thank you to all you chatters for having the patience to wait for us
      -) big *hugggggg* to renee and max - they are the best hosts in the whole wide world (and in the www, too!)
      -) to e. and monochrom - attitude´s what counts :)
      -) pizzamann - who deliver excellent pizza, exactly when it´s needed

      I went to bed at 06:50 a.m. - do I need to say more?

      keep it real,