Email Notification!

    • Email Notification!

      I choose to be notified by email if someone else posts a message in the threads that I participate, but the emails don't arrive.
      In my favorites there are four subscribed threads, some has been receiving replies, but I'm not notified by email.
      how to solve this problem?

      Thank you!
      José Fernando

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von jfagoncalves ()

    • Alright, sweetie. I guess I found the problem:

      You need to check the box "E-Mail Notification" when you answer a post or make a new posting. Having the threads in your favorites doesn't automatically make it send you notifications about new postings.

      So my question to you is... Did you check that box or not? In case you did already I have to look it up again. Let me know okay?

    • hi renee & josé,

      I don´t want to interrrupt your discussion, but I read in the FAQ´s that "Add to fovourites" should only be used if you do not post in a certain thread but still want to be notified about new postings.

      Maybe posting in a thread, turning e-mail-notification on AND adding the thread to your favourites somehow messes things up a little.

      I´m going to test my theory with this thread ;-))

    • Renee & Fiercedragon thanks by the support!

      Threads are added automatically in my favorites, if I post a new thread or reply. I didn't add none particularly thread, because I want to participate in all.
      Email Notification had three replies, I received only two replies. A Renee reply didn't arrive but all right, maybe it is a temporary problem.

      José Fernando
    • um, maybe there´s some sort of misunderstanding here:

      as I understand it you cannot have e-mail notification about posts in all threads by default (or only with admistrative previleges).

      i´ll try to explain how i understand that notification-stuff (and it works pretty well with me, actually)

      1) you activate the checkbox "email notification" in your own posting in a specific thread, then you will be notified about any new postings in this particular thread

      2) you click the "add thread to favourites"-link in the headline of a certain thread - then you will be notified about new posts in this thread, even if you did not post anything in this thread

      2a) [if you activate both options in the same thread you will be notified anyway]

      3) or you go to your "user cp" - select "edit options" and then go to option nr. 7, "enable e-mail notification by default" and select "yes", you will be notified about new posts in threads you started or threads you participate in. (but not in ALL threads!)
      this basically just activates the checkbox from option 1) by default.

      I am just posting this to make sure we all talk about the same thing and share a common view on that notification-thing - hope it helps to identify the problem so its easier to fix it...
