Question Re: Posting

    • Original von Renee Pornero
      Hey chief...

      there is no need for a translator. Just post in english and we will answer in english. Don't worry, my community will understand everything you say! :)

      Besides that: welcome and have fun!


      They will? How is that possible, Renee? I don't understand everything I say! :)

      Seriously, I had the bookmark for already saved so this board seemed like a good time to use it. Thank you for the kind welcome. I think there is a nine-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Berlin so you're awake far earlier than I would like.

      I don't know much about porn. In the wake of the HIV situation, I wanted to learn more about it. I saw a couple of your posts at and you seemed like a good person. That's how I got here.

      Take care,

    • Original von xzchief

      They will? How is that possible, Renee? I don't understand everything I say! :)

      Seriously, I had the bookmark for already saved so this board seemed like a good time to use it. Thank you for the kind welcome. I think there is a nine-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Berlin so you're awake far earlier than I would like.

      I don't know much about porn. In the wake of the HIV situation, I wanted to learn more about it. I saw a couple of your posts at and you seemed like a good person. That's how I got here.

      Take care,


      Well, we are just too smart for this world! :)

      Time difference? The reason for that might be that I try to keep L.A. time to avoid jet lags. Just kidding...
      When I am home for some days I always stay up long, mostly until the sun rises. The darkness makes me more creative :]

    • Original von Renee Pornero

      Well, we are just too smart for this world! :)

      Time difference? The reason for that might be that I try to keep L.A. time to avoid jet lags. Just kidding...
      When I am home for some days I always stay up long, mostly until the sun rises. The darkness makes me more creative :]


      I understand that. I like the peace and quiet of 3 a.m. also. It's easier for me to relax and to work late at night. I went to bed at 7 a.m. today, for example. My sleep schedule isn't the greatest as a result but one can't have everything. :)
    • Original von xzchief
      I feel dumb then. Not because of anyone here but because I do not know any German. I know a little Spanish but espanol wouldn't really help here. :)

      I'm a freelance writer. I like to write about politics and technology. So, in a roundabout way, I guess I write about sex. ;)

      Castellano or catalan?
    • Original von frank
      Original von xzchief
      I feel dumb then. Not because of anyone here but because I do not know any German. I know a little Spanish but espanol wouldn't really help here. :)

      I'm a freelance writer. I like to write about politics and technology. So, in a roundabout way, I guess I write about sex. ;)

      Castellano or catalan?

      I'm sorry but I don't understand. I live near Los Angeles and am a native English speaker. I'm trying to learn Spanish but I'm not close to advanced enough to know the various dialects.
    • don't learn spanish!

      learn "Österreichisch" this is a very nice slang of german!

      lot of the americans like renee's "slang" so if you learn "österreichisch" you would understand everything that renee is told in her films ;)

      please don't laugh, my professor at university said to mit ervery time, that my englisch ist terribly bad!

      nevertheless i hope you unterstand me
    • Hi Chief!

      Vienna-fan is just kidding; Austria in German is "Österreich", so if you learn "Österreichisch" it is the very nice and (for some Germans funny) Austrian dialect of German.

      At the beginning I, too, was a little astonished about the education of the community as it just doesn`t fit to the stereotype of dumb and perverse pornviewers... :-))

      Now I am very happy to speak to guys with the same (porn-)interests and intellect!
      So please be welcome!

    • Original von Vyg
      Hi Chief!

      Vienna-fan is just kidding; Austria in German is "Österreich", so if you learn "Österreichisch" it is the very nice and (for some Germans funny) Austrian dialect of German.

      At the beginning I, too, was a little astonished about the education of the community as it just doesn`t fit to the stereotype of dumb and perverse pornviewers... :-))

      Now I am very happy to speak to guys with the same (porn-)interests and intellect!
      So please be welcome!


      Thanks, Vyg, for the kind welcome! My knowledge of porn is very limited. Just a short welcome surfing a couple of message boards made that quite clear. Still, I had to start somewhere and I don't think I could have picked a better place.
    • Original von xzchief
      Original von frank
      Original von xzchief
      I feel dumb then. Not because of anyone here but because I do not know any German. I know a little Spanish but espanol wouldn't really help here. :)

      I'm a freelance writer. I like to write about politics and technology. So, in a roundabout way, I guess I write about sex. ;)

      Castellano or catalan?

      I'm sorry but I don't understand. I live near Los Angeles and am a native English speaker. I'm trying to learn Spanish but I'm not close to advanced enough to know the various dialects.

      Castellano is the dialect which is known as "spanish". Catalan is spoken in the region of Barcelona and was not allowed to practice during the Franco area. So I thought you were a native speaker and that´s why I asked for.